Friday, April 23, 2010

Coming to an End

Class has begun to wind down as the semester is coming to a close. I've experienced many different things and learned about various topics more in this class than I have in any other! The learning journal was by far the most resourceful tool I've had since beginning my graduate studies. It allowed me to further reflect on topics that were discussed in class. And by being able to write freeform my thoughts were able to flow more freely and I started asking questions that I may not have asked before.

I've also discovered that I'm a big supporter of constructivist learning theory. Who would have guessed?! I just find the concept of constructing new knowledge based on each learner's prior experience and understanding of the world fascinating.

I've also come to learn that I'm a rather weird learner. I connect with the material but it isn't always conveyed in my postings. And while I can connect with the material and understand it, I feel a disconnect within the class. That's something for me to explore in more depth.

Even though I've been hit with health problems I've thoroughly enjoyed my time in the class. The learning journal, as well as many of the assignments and readings have set a foundation to discover the type of learner that I am and what I need to know and understand to become an effective online instructor. Here's to more learning and reflection!!!

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