Friday, April 9, 2010

Virtual Communities/Isolation

It's interesting that I keep coming across this concept of virtual communities. It's embedded in our reading assignments and just like my last post, it's something that I had not heard considering I've been an online student for quite some time. I'm starting to realize the distinct differences between the MBA and MDE programs, which I guess should be pretty obvious. Nonetheless, this concept of virtual communities caught my attention finally. Enough to want to write a journal entry!

Just what is a virtual community? In my own words I think a virtual community is a group of people in different geographic locations having somewhat of the same interests/classes/etc. that come together in an online environment. Hmm, if it were that simple then I guess my class is considered a virtual community?? And maybe it is, but shouldn't a community make you feel as though you are connected by more than simply having the same interests or classes? If so, I have to admit that I've never felt such a thing. And for some odd reason I do not think it is the fault of the online learning community. Maybe it is. Or maybe it's both the community and myself.

I also know that there are advantages of virtual communities such as enabling learners to interact with a diverse group of people (per the readings) and I can say that I have been able to do that but something is still missing.

Many researchers say that students tend to feel a sense of isolation when taking online courses (and I think that's why virtual communities are important). Maybe because I've been an online student for such a long time and have lost that feeling you get when you interact with other students in a f2f class setting. Even when I try to become more engaged, I still feel a disconnect. Could it be the content? I don't know but it perturbs me greatly. I don't like the feeling of isolation yet it seems as if I can't do anything about it.

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