Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Class is Coming to an End

Well, the class is almost officially over. In some ways I am relieved because I need a break. A really long break. This semester has had to be on the most challenging semesters EVER in my graduate career. My participation in my courses was atrocious. Should I have taken the semester off? Probably, but it was my last semester and I was afraid that if I took a semester off, I wouldn't return. But did I make the right decision? I've been fighting a terrible illness during this entire time and it has literally left me weak, extremely fatigued, and depressed, and oh the list can go on and on. I am so disappointed in my performance. My academic advisor informed me that my condition would allow me to ask my professors for an "I" to give me time to complete my work. I don't really know why I just didn't take the time off or talk to my professors. I'm such a closed person and I guess I have to come to terms with that soon.

What's really sad is that I've enjoyed reading every one's posts and the class discussions were definitely lively. But lack of energy definitely stopped me from joining in. The one benefit I've seen from keeping a learning journal is that this is where I always tend to find my voice. I've found that writing in my learning journal is stress free and I feel like I can be myself without worrying about if I'm including enough sources to back up my statements. I am free to express myself without judgement from my peers. Well, they do have access to my journals and then there is the fact that the professor has to grade it, but it's one area where I do not fear those things. I'm guessing that is one of the greatest tools of a learning journal.

I said that I was in some ways relieved that the course was over. Well, on the other hand I am not. I had so much more to offer and I did not get the chance to do that. I did learn a lot from this course and I look forward to pursuing distance learning teaching opportunities in the future and this course has given me a great foundation with which to build on. Thank you!

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