Saturday, December 4, 2010

Redemption with Assignment 2

So after a not so good start with the grade I received on Assignment 1, I totally redeemed myself with Assignment 2!!! First off, it was a writing assignment. Writing is definitely my niche, regardless of what the content is, I am a great writer. And not just a great writer but great at exploring concepts and tying them in to course readings.

This essay called for answering 1 of 2 questions and presenting your ideas in 2 pages or 1000 words. I'd like to first say that word limitations always tend to be tough for me. Once I get into the assignment, I never have a hard time meeting the word limit, I have a rough time not going over it. I wonder why putting word limitations on assignments is important? I can certainly understand having a minimum number of words but don't fully understand the maximum. But that's another post.

The question I chose to present on focused on the impoact of ICTs on distance education, ascertaining whether DE institutions were vulnerable and applying Rumble's vulnerability debate and determining whether it was still valid or not. A mouthful, right? That's what I thought until I began writing. I actually found lots of enjoyment writing this assignment.

Rumble's vulnerability debate centers around the escalating competition between distance education institutions and campus based institutions that are branching out into distance education by adding distance education courses/programs to their portfolio. This increasing competition, brought forth by the increase in ICT has indeed placed distance education institutions. I concluded that if DE institutions are to remain viable they must collaborate with other campus based universities or become a dual mode university, serving both traditional and distance students.

It was an A paper and definitely redeemed the utter disaster that was my first assignment. Okay, not total disaster, but any grad student will tell you that a C is tragic!

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